1. Slaughter the crab and steam it for 7 minutes
2. Cool it down and remove the meat
3. Chop the ginger finely an set aside
4. Slice the pork lard in 4cm wide 4cm long slivers and set aside
5. Cut Water chestnuts into small pieces and set aside
6. Mix soy sauce, rice vinegar, balsamic vinegar, sugar and gelatine slices. Heat and melt them to obtain caviar. Set aside
7. Stir fry the crab meat with ginger, kangle vinegar, salt, chicken powder and water starch
8. Add the chopped water chestnut and stir well. Set aside
9.Cover lard with wheat starch
10. Pass lard and crab in egg mixture, then deep-fry to make them crispy
11. Serve them on a plate with pre-made crab caviar and “crab-lard”